Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Prices for All Puppets...

As I strive to try to find a good pricing point for my puppets, I have started to realize that maybe they are priced a bit high. 

I am lowering the prices on all of the puppets by a few dollars.  I really hope this doesn't cause anyone to shy away from the products thinking that they aren't good quality.  The price cut is being done for several reasons.  First, I need to build up a customer base, and lower priced characters will allow me to do just that.  Second, I have been getting better at making them, so less materials are wasted, and less time is wasted.  That means that the cost for materials has gone down slightly, as has the cost for what is effectively the labor.  Third, I really want to get into selling more and more puppets, so hopefully the lower price point will attract new buyers. 

The price changes are as follows:

Instead of $50 for a Basic Character, the cost will now be $40. 
Instead of $75 for a BasicPLUS Character, the cost will now be $65.

Both of these new price points don't change the prices of accessories or additions to the puppets. 

I hope these new prices will help bring in some more business, and make those returning for more business even happier that they have. 

Thanks for your time.


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