Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Quick Teaser Picture

Hi everyone.

I wanted to give you guys a quick preview picture of one of three characters that I'm working on that I will hopefully have available for purchase soon. 

This is Vlad.  Vlad is a young vampire. He has a problem, though. He's hemophobic. That means he's scared of blood...the sight of it, the thought of it, everything about it just really creeps him out. Because of this, Vlad isn't very accepted by most of his kind. He still likes to dress up like a classical vampire, but he simply can't bring himself to have anything to do with blood. 

I am currently working on an outfit design for Vlad.  it's going to be the most intricate outfit yet, and will actually take more time to finish than the puppet itself does.  It's going to be a black robe with some highlights on it, and around that robe will go a "cloak" or "cape" if you will, along with the classic vampire collar thing on his cape. 

I really like the design for Vlad that I have right now.  He has that classic slicked back Dracula hair with a widow's peak.  He has tiny little fangs that show when his mouth is open or when he smiles, but easily slip behind his jaws when his mouth is closed without bending or damaging them. 

Vlad is going to be a bit more expensive puppet than the others that I have made, simply because all Vlad puppets will come with the outfit that I am designing for them.  The hair is also a bit time consuming to get together, so that means he takes a lot longer to put together than my other puppets.

Look for Vlad to be available sometime in September. 

1 comment:

  1. You've got a really cute idea going here. I love Vlad's face, it's just great. Puppets are a difficult art form but you seem to have mastered it quite well. This puppet's story is interesting too, a hemophobic vampire, that's really something unique.
